Hajj-My Journey of Forgiveness, Rebirth and Redemption (Part 3-The Hajj)
June 26, 2017
In addition to practicing medicine, both brothers are also nationally recognized medical experts and intrepid media personalities. Through TheTwinDoctors.com the brothers are all about informing, enlightening, motivating, educating and entertaining while simultaneously stimulating discussion all in the name of a healthier planet.
by Dr. Idries Abdur-Rahman, M.D. with contributions from Dr. Jamil Abdur-Rahman, M.D.
Read free sample & PurchaseTwinDoctors is the creation of twin OB/Gyn Doctors Jamil and Idries Abdur-Rahman. Jamil (Dr. J) and Idries (Dr. I) were inspired to start TwinDoctors after participating on season 22 of CBS’ ‘The Amazing Race’. While their stint on ‘The Amazing Race’ was shorter than they would have liked, it was what they were able to experience both during and after their stint on the show, as well as the people that they were able to meet and the places that they were able to see, that ultimately motivated them to start TwinDoctors
Read moreThe Twin Doctors, 25 Tower Court, Suite B, Gurnee Illinois, 60031
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