

April 7, 2015

Tobacco Smoke Strengthens ‘Superbug,’ Lab Research Finds

Tobacco Smoke Strengthens 'Superbug,' Lab Research Finds MRSA may become deadlier, even more resistant to treatment MONDAY, April 6, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Cigarette smoke appears to strengthen a dreaded…

April 6, 2015

Higher Alcohol Taxes May Lead to Fewer Drunk-Driving Deaths: Study

Higher Alcohol Taxes May Lead to Fewer Drunk-Driving Deaths: Study Researchers believe thousands of fatalities could be avoided each year MONDAY, April 6, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Higher alcohol taxes…

April 6, 2015

Breast Milk Bought Online Might Contain Cow’s Milk, Study Finds

Breast Milk Bought Online Might Contain Cow's Milk, Study Finds Untested samples may also harbor bacteria, viruses, experts say By Tara Haelle HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, April 6, 2015 (HealthDay News)…

April 4, 2015

Exercise Might Boost Mental Function in People With Schizophrenia

Exercise Might Boost Mental Function in People With Schizophrenia Aerobic activity offers many benefits, but study needs to be duplicated, researcher says FRIDAY, April 3, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Aerobic…

April 4, 2015

Violent Video Games Don’t Influence Kids’ Behavior: Study

Violent Video Games Don't Influence Kids' Behavior: Study It's the amount of time spent gaming that has a greater impact, researchers contend By Randy Dotinga HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, April 3,…

April 4, 2015

Easter Doesn’t Have to Be a Diet Disaster

Easter Doesn't Have to Be a Diet Disaster Heart group offers tips for a healthier holiday FRIDAY, April 3, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Lots of chocolate and big family meals…

April 4, 2015

Surprises Help Babies Learn, Research Finds

Surprises Help Babies Learn, Research Finds Unpredictable situations seem to make infants more interested in exploring FRIDAY, April 3, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Encountering surprising situations or objects can help…

April 3, 2015

HIV Can Damage Brain Early On, Study Says

HIV Can Damage Brain Early On, Study Says Findings appear to underscore need for early diagnosis, treatment THURSDAY, April 2, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- HIV can spread to and develop…

April 3, 2015

Could Fish Oil Interfere With Cancer Care?

Could Fish Oil Interfere With Cancer Care? Answer isn't clear, but research suggests supplements, and certain fish, might reduce effect of chemotherapy By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, April 2,…

April 3, 2015

Experimental Melanoma Vaccine Shows Early Promise

Experimental Melanoma Vaccine Shows Early Promise Still not clear if it will prevent recurrence or lengthen survival By Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, April 2, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- A…

April 3, 2015

Could Household Bleach Raise Kids’ Risk for Flu, Other Infections?

Could Household Bleach Raise Kids' Risk for Flu, Other Infections? European study shows 'modest' effect, but cause-and-effect not clear THURSDAY, April 2, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- A ubiquitous cleaning agent…

April 2, 2015

Everything You Ever Wanted to
Know About Pregnancy:

But Were Too
Embarrassed or Afraid to Ask

by Idries Abdur-Rahman (Goodreads Author),
Jamil Abdur-Rahman MD, Nikia Bilal (Editor)

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