June 13, 2017

Facebook Live Medical Question and Answer with blackdoctor.org and Twin Doctors TV (June 2017)

Dr. J and Dr. I answered viewer questions from around the world during their June 2017 Monthly House Call on Facebook Live with Twin Doctors TV and BlackDoctor.org. Checkout what…

May 2, 2017

Facebook Live Medical Q&A with blackdoctor.org and Twin Doctors TV (April 2017)

Dr. J, Dr. I, Twin Doctors TV and BlackDoctor.org answer viewers medical questions from around the world.

April 5, 2017

Facebook Live Medical Q&A with blackdoctor.org and Twin Doctors TV (March 2017)

After Dr. J got caught in surgery Dr. I went solo for the monthly Twin Doctors TV and blackdoctor.org Facebook Live medical question and answer sessions with viewers from around…

February 25, 2017

Facebook Live Medical Q&A with blackdoctor.org and Twin Doctors TV

When Twin Doctors TV and blackdoctor.org team up for their monthly Facebook Live medical question and answer sessions with viewers from around the world, you never know what topics are…

January 14, 2017

Facebook Live Medical Q&A with blackdoctor.org and Twin Doctors TV-01/13/17

It was Friday the 13th, and no questions were off limits during this fun fact filled medical Q&A with Dr. J and Dr. I of Twin Doctors TV and Blackdoctor.org.…

December 13, 2016

Facebook Live Medical Q&A with blackdoctor.org and Twin Doctors TV-12/12/16

Dr. J, Dr. I, Twin Doctors TV and BlackDoctor.org have another interesting and entertaining live medical Q&A with viewers from around the country.

October 12, 2016

Facebook Live Medical Q&A with Blackdoctor.org and Twin Doctors TV – 10/11/16

Dr. Jamil, Dr. Idries, TwinDoctorsTV and BlackDoctor.org have an information filled and entertaining medical Q&A with viewers from around the country.

October 1, 2016

Dr. J, Dr. I and Twin Doctors TV Take Questions Live on Facebook Live (10/01/2016)

Dr. J and Dr. I start off the last quarter of 2016 by taking viewer questions live on Facebook Live. From questions about weight loss to urinary incontinence, viewers asked…

September 30, 2016

09/29/2016 FaceBook Live Medical Q&A with Twin Doctors TV and BlackDoctor.org

Dr. Jamil, Dr. Idries, TwinDoctorsTV and BlackDoctor.org have an informational filled and entertaining medical Q&A with viewers from around the country.

September 22, 2016

Dr. J and Dr. I partner with BlackDoctor.org to Answer Questions Live 09/22/2016 on Facebook Live

Dr. Jamil and Dr. Idries answered viewer questions live on 9/22/16. What resulted was fun, informative and entertaining.
Everything You Ever Wanted to
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