To contact the doctors call
The Twin Doctors, 25 Tower Court, Suite B, Gurnee Illinois, 60031

Ask The Doctors A Question

Twin Doctors TV, 830 West Illinois Route 22, Lake Zurich, IL, 60047
To contact the doctors please use the form below or call 844-894-6362 (844-TWINDOC)
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    • A: I acknowledge that the information that I receive does not serve as a substitute for advise that I may have received from a medical professional and it does not serve as a substitute for my relationship with a medical profession.
    • B: I agree to hold TheTwinDoctors and all of its agents harmless for any ill outcomes that may result from the advice given or not given.
    • C: I agree to allow TheTwinDoctors to use my question (written or video) in subsequent productions.
    • D: I acknowledge that my medical situation is non-emergent and that if I feel that it becomes emergent, I will seem medical care emergently.