

April 16, 2018

Pregnancy Travel Rules and Recommendations

Who said that  you can't still see the world while you are pregnant? Your favorite medical/travel bloggers from TwinDoctorsTV and our good friends over at Romper tell you our "pregnancy…

April 16, 2018

Twin Pregnancies & Constant Hunger – Its A Thing

Twin pregnancies and constant hunger are a thing. Dr. J recently discussed that whats and whys with Abi Berwager Schreier and our friends over at Romper. Check it out HERE!

April 16, 2018

Pregnancy and The Bad Taste In Your Mouth

Why do you have such a bad taste in your mouth during pregnancy? Is it normal? Can it be prevented? Dr. I discussed it with Abi Berwager Schreier and out…

April 16, 2018

Formula, Can The Hospital Force You To Use It?

Can a hospital force you to give your baby formula? Can a hospital force you to breastfeed your baby? And what the heck are all of these "baby friendly" hospital…

April 16, 2018

Hidden Twins, What Are They?

Hidden twins, are they real? And if so, what are they and how do they happen? Dr. I sat down with Abi Berwager Schreier and our friends over at Romper…

March 19, 2018

Vaginal Discharge-What’s Normal and When Should You Call Your Doctor?

By Idries Abdur-Rahman, M.D., FACOG   WHY DOES THE VAGINA MAKE DISCHARGE? The vagina actually produces discharge for a multitude of very good reasons including: 1). To clean the vagina…

March 19, 2018

Dr. I’s Southeast Asia Adventure Part 6: Beautiful Bali!

By Idries Abdur-Rahman, M.D., FACOG SOUTHEAST ASIAN ADVENTURE: I truly believe that travel is cathartic for the body and the soul so we try our best to take at least…

March 19, 2018

Dr. I’s Southeast Asia Adventure Part 5:Flying to Bali

By Idries Abdur-Rahman, M.D., FACOG SOUTHEAST ASIAN ADVENTURE: I truly believe that travel is cathartic for the body and the soul so we try our best to take at least…

March 19, 2018

Stillbirth and Sleeping Position – What’s The Link?

 Dr. J and Dr. I discuss new research that finds that when pregnant women sleep on their backs, they increase their risk for pregnancy loss and stillbirth.

March 18, 2018

Pooping In Public Bathrooms The Healthy Way

 Pubic bathrooms are full of potentially disease causing germs like E.coli, Salmonella and Hepatitis. Using public bathrooms doesn't have to make you sick though. Here, Dr. J and Dr.…

March 16, 2018

Colon Cancer Awareness – Fox 32 Chicago News at Noon

 Dr. J and Dr. I visited the Fox 32 Chicago News at Noon with Sylvia Perez to share some surprising facts about Colon Cancer, the disease that took the…

March 13, 2018

Medical Fact or Fiction ABC 7 Chicago’s Windy City Live (March 2018)

Dr. J, Dr. I, Val, Ryan and the Windy City Live studio audience had a blast playing another round of Medical Fact or Fiction. From whether or not flossing can…
Everything You Ever Wanted to
Know About Pregnancy:

But Were Too
Embarrassed or Afraid to Ask

by Idries Abdur-Rahman (Goodreads Author),
Jamil Abdur-Rahman MD, Nikia Bilal (Editor)

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