

October 5, 2017

Latvia (Part 2)-A Two Headed Dog, Rapid Detox and a Polar Plunge!

Idries J. Abdur-Rahman, MD Why Latvia? Latvia was the first stop on an 11-day adventure to three countries; Latvia, Holland and Nigeria. My brother and I were filming three episodes…

October 4, 2017

Colon Cancer and Why You Should Be Eating Grapes

Eating grapes can lower your risk of developing colon cancer? Here, Dr. J and Dr. I explain the what's, the why's and the how's while also telling you the best…

October 3, 2017

Medical Fact or Fiction on ABC 7 Chicago’s Windy City Live (October 2017)

Dr. J, Dr. I, Ryan, Val, Ji and the Windy City Live studio audience play another fun and informative game of “Medical Fact or Fiction”. From whether or not it…

October 2, 2017

Latvia (Part 1)-Getting There.

Idries J. Abdur-Rahman, MD So, Why Latvia? Well, why not Latvia? Warning, I'm about to use a word that is way over-used but here it goes: Latvia is  quaint, charming…

September 30, 2017

Medical Q&A With and Twin Doctors TV

When viewers from all over the world tune in for the monthly Medical Q&A with and Twin Doctors TV no questions are off limits. So checkout this informative and…

September 20, 2017

Medical Fact or Fiction on ABC 7 Chicago’s Windy City Live (Sept 2017)

Dr. J, Dr. I, Ryan, Val, Ji and the Windy City Live studio audience play another fun and informative game of “Medical Fact or Fiction”. From whether or not exercising…

September 13, 2017

Hair Dye, Hair Relaxers and Cancer – Are Some Dying For Good Hair?!?!

Dr. J and Dr. I take a humorously informative look at the little known link between chemical hair dyes, chemical hair relaxers and cancer in women.

August 29, 2017

The Great American Sperm Drought

Dr. J and Dr. I take both a humorous and informative look at why the average American males sperm count has fallen by close to 60% over the last 40…

August 22, 2017

Medical Fact or Fiction on ABC 7 Chicago’s Windy City Live (Aug 2017)

Dr. J, Dr. I, Ryan, Val, Ji and the Windy City Live studio audience play another fun and informative game of "Medical Fact or Fiction". From whether or not women…

August 20, 2017

San Diego Comic Con 2017: Freaks and Geeks? Part 1-Getting There.

  San Diego Comic Con 2017: Freaks and Geeks? Part 1-Getting There: Idries J. Abdur-Rahman, MD For the uninitiated, what exactly is San Diego Comic Con (SDCC)?  San Diego Comic…

August 20, 2017

San Diego Comic Con 2017: Freaks and Geeks? Part 3 The Journey Home

 San Diego Comic Con 2017: Freaks and Geeks? Part 3- The Journey Home. Idries J. Abdur-Rahman, MD San Diego to LAX We had a blast at San Diego Comic Con…

August 17, 2017

San Diego Comic Con 2017: Freaks and Geeks? Part 2 The Con.

  San Diego Comic Con 2017: Freaks and Geeks? Part 2- The Con! Dr. Idries J. Abdur-Rahman, MD   So what actually happens inside of Comic Con?     Well,…
Everything You Ever Wanted to
Know About Pregnancy:

But Were Too
Embarrassed or Afraid to Ask

by Idries Abdur-Rahman (Goodreads Author),
Jamil Abdur-Rahman MD, Nikia Bilal (Editor)

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