June 27, 2016

Colon Cancer Isn’t A Man’s Disease: What Every Woman Must Know

  Dr. Idries was recently asked by BlackDoctor.org to discuss what every women should know about colon cancer. You can read the article HERE.

June 27, 2016

An Ob/Gyn Answers All Your Queefing Questions

For some women, the topic of “queefing” is an embarrassing one. But queefing does happen, and it is important for women to realize that queefing is quite normal. Dr. J…

June 27, 2016

10 Sex Tips That Can Actually Be Dangerous

Dr. J was recently asked by SELF Magazine to discuss some commonly practiced sexual activates that, if not done correctly, might just be more dangerous than you think!! Check out the…

June 27, 2016

Why Breast Milk Changes Color, Explained In One Cool Photo

  Dr. Jamil was asked by SELF Magazine to contribute to an article examining whether or not breast milk can change color; and if it can change color, why? Read…

February 25, 2013

The Hollywood Reporter – ‘Amazing Race’: Idries and Jamil on Whether They Should Have Taken the Penalty

The twin doctors talk with THR about their struggles with the challenge and why they didn't do the other detour sooner... (Read the full story here.)

February 17, 2013

The Daily Herald – Twin doctors from Lake County team up on “The Amazing Race”

Reality TV's "The Amazing Race" pits groups of two against each other in a grueling trek around the world that demands teamwork, smarts, endurance, a talent for getting along with…

February 12, 2013

The Times – Twin doctors compete in ‘The Amazing Race’

The race starts and ends in the U.S. Those were about all the details twin doctors Idries and Jamil Abdur-Rahman could reveal about the challenges on the upcoming season of…

January 24, 2013

The Sun Times – Brothers set to compete on new season of ‘The Amazing Race’

A couple of hockey players from Addison and a pair of twin doctors from Chicago are among 11 teams competing this season in “The Amazing Race.”... (Read the full story…

December 21, 2012

The Times – Doctor claims atmosphere at St. Elizabeth’s causing departure

An Ottawa gynecologist claimed this week OSF St. Elizabeth Medical Center has made it too hard for him and his twin brother to continue their local practice... (Read the full…
Everything You Ever Wanted to
Know About Pregnancy:

But Were Too
Embarrassed or Afraid to Ask

by Idries Abdur-Rahman (Goodreads Author),
Jamil Abdur-Rahman MD, Nikia Bilal (Editor)

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