

April 30, 2016

An Ob/Gyn Answers All Your Queefing Questions

For some women, the topic of "queefing" is an embarrassing one. But queefing does happen, and it is important for women to realize that queefing is quite normal. Dr. J…

April 30, 2016

10 Sex Tips That Can Actually Be Dangerous

Dr. J was recently asked by SELF Magazine to discuss some commonly encountered sexual activates that, if not done correctly, might just be more dangerous than you think!! Check out…

April 30, 2016

Why Breast Milk Changes Color, Explained In One Cool Photo

Dr. J was recently asked by SELF Magazine why breast milk changes color sometimes. The reason that breast milk changes color sometimes really just might surprise you!! Check out this…

April 6, 2016

Jordan, Moses and the Promised Land

Jordan, Moses and the Promised Land Dr. Jamil and Dr. Idries take some time out from their Syrian refugee medical mission to visit some of Jordan’s historical biblical sites.

March 23, 2016

Colon Cancer Isn’t A Man’s Disease: What Every Woman Must Know

By: Idries J. Abdur-Rahman, MD, FACOG Obstetrician/Gynecologist When most people think about cancer in women, breast and ovarian cancer are usually the first two that come to mind. Many are…

March 23, 2016

The Parent’s Guide to Down’s Syndrome and other Common Trisomies.

By:  Idries J. Abdur-Rahman, MD, FACOG Obstetrician/Gynecologist So what is Trisomy?   Well to answer that questions we have to take a quick trip back to high school genetics.   All humans…

January 21, 2016

Rio 2016 and the Zika Virus

Rio 2016 and The Zika Effect Will Brazil's current Zika virus epidemic spell disaster for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games? By Jamil Abdur-Rahman, M.D. The Twin Doctors Travel Bag Wednesday,…

January 19, 2016

Doctors Choose Less Aggressive Care at End of Life, Studies Reveal Findings suggest they understand limits of modern medicine better than the patients they treat do

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Jan. 19, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- Doctors facing death are less likely to demand aggressive care that might squeeze out a bit more extra…

January 12, 2016

We’re Back!!!

June 9, 2015

Ancestry Commercial – “Time Machine”

Dr. Idries and Jamil's 30 second commercial.

June 9, 2015

Ancestry Commercial – “Twins Awesome Experience”

Dr. Jamil and Idries' 15 second commercial

April 2, 2015

Everything You Ever Wanted to
Know About Pregnancy:

But Were Too
Embarrassed or Afraid to Ask

by Idries Abdur-Rahman (Goodreads Author),
Jamil Abdur-Rahman MD, Nikia Bilal (Editor)

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