Warmer weather brings with it the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and participate in those outside activities that the colder months prevent. While the warm weather is all good, spending long periods of time outdoors increases the risk for certain summer ailments. Now, you know we have you covered. Let’s talk about some of the more common summertime ailments and how they can be prevented?
Sun damage is, however, fairly easy to prevent and proper protection is the key. So, how do you protect your skin?
- Use sunscreen, at least spf-50
- If spending time outdoors in the sun, sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours.
- Even in warm weather, keep skin covered (sunhats, long sleeves, umbrellas)
- Avoid direct sunlight during the hottest part of the day (12pm-4pm).
Thankfully Lyme prevention is quite simple:
- If visiting an area where ticks are common, keep as much skin covered as possible by wearing long sleeves, long pants, shoes, and socks.
- Avoid walking off of the beaten path by staying on trails, in the center.
- Use a good tick repellent, easily purchased where mosquito repellant is sold. Consider treating your skin and clothing with a repellant.
- Finally, make sure to shower within two hours of being outdoors.
Fortunately, heat stroke prevention is simple:
- Staying properly hydrated by drinking a minimum of 80 oz of water daily.
- Avoid strenuous physical activity on extreme heat days.
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine when outdoors.
- Take frequent breaks to allow your body to rest and recoup.
There are ways to avoid food poisoning, however:
- When cooking at home, wash your hands, utensils, and food surfaces often.
- Keep raw foods and ready to eat foods separated.
- Make sure foods are cooked to correct temperatures, and be sure to thaw, chill, and heat foods properly.
- If a served food needs to stay at a certain temperature, take every precaution to ensure that it stays at that temperature. And when in doubt, avoid.
Whether it’s a beach trip, a drive to the lake, or a quick dip in the pond behind your house, a quick way to escape the oppressive summer heat is a nice swim. However, there are certain waterborne diseases that appear only during the summer, in swimming pools, freshwater bodies and in stagnant water that roasts in the sun.
Prevention of waterborne illness can be done effectively including:
- Never swallow the water (pool or natural body of water).
- Shower before and after swimming.
- Do not swim after it has rained, as rain can wash contaminated items into the water.
- Don’t swim at locations where discharge pipes can be seen.
- Avoid swimming altogether if you see a blue-green algal bloom.
- While some bacteria can resist even the most chlorinated of pools, frequent cleaning as well as keeping pets out of pools can go a long way in preventing issues.
Summer may be the best time of the year, but dangers potentially lurk around every corner. Educate yourself and those you love on what those are and how to prevent them, and you can all enjoy a magical summer.